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In the News

Catch up with Life side Ohio as we spread the word about suicide prevention outreach dedicated to the firearms community.


Local mother who lost son to suicide supports new Ohio initiative



OSPF introduces Life Side Ohio campaign



How gun shops are trying to reduce suicide by firearm


Facing Suicide: Lifeside Ohio and Safe Gun Storage


Voices For Suicide Prevention Podcast

The suicide crisis in Ohio and in America has no boundaries and neither will our conversations. We'll talk openly about the how, the why and the solutions to suicide prevention. This vital conversation is brought to you by the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation as we'll highlight experts, counselors, clinicians, advocates and ordinary people doing extraordinary things in the name of saving lives.

"1 in 10 firearm suicides involved a gun that was purchased or rented within a week of the suicide"

- NH Firearm Safety Coalition

Get Involved

Life Side Ohio is by your side and in your community with resources on suicide awareness, prevention, mental health, and education.  We're united for life, because without life, there’s loss and grief.